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Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


The next table details the number of lecture hours as well as the number of module responsibilities for each team member.

Table 1.
Name Position 2013/14 Cursus (*) Module Resp.
(per year)
J.-F. Baget Research Scientist 40 M (UM2) 1
M. Croitoru Assistant Prof. 198 L2 2
M. Chein Emeritus Prof. 0
J. Fortin Assistant Prof 230 Polytech 2
S. Kaci Professor 198 L and M(UM2) 3
M. Leclère Assistant Prof. 196 L and M (UM2) 2
M. -L. Mugnier Professor 192 L and M (UM2) 3
L. Guizol PhD 64 L (UM2) no
M. König PhD 64 L (UM2) no
A. Arioua PhD 12 L (UM2) no

(*) L =Licence, M = Master (M1 = first year, M2 = second year), UM2 = Univ. Montpellier 2 (Sciences), IUT = Institute of Technology of UM2 (Licence Cursus), Polytech = Engineering School of UM2, UM3 = Univ. Montpellier 3 (Art and Humanities)

The courses taught by team members are mainly in Logics (in Licence), Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Representation, Knowledge Engineering, and Decision Support (in Master). We are also responsible of modules in Web Technologies (Professional L at IUT) and Databases (L).

We have some specific responsibilities in the Computer Science Licence and Master:


Madalina Croitoru defended her HDR in November Reasoning about Knowledge as Graphs: Practical Artificial Intelligence Applications [15] . The jury was:

Bruno Paiva Lima da Silva defended his PhD in January Data Access over Large Semi-Structured Databases [18] . The jury was:

Mélanie König defended her PhD in October Interrogation de grandes bases de connaissances : algorithmes de réécriture de requêtes conjonctives en présence de règles existentielles [17] . The jury was:

Tjitze Rienstra defended his PhD in October Argumentation in Flux – Modelling change in the theory of argumentation. The jury was:

Léa Guizol defended her PhD in November Partitioning semantics for entity resolution and link repairs in bibliographic knowledge bases [16] . The jury was:

The PhDs in progress are:


Jury member - Mustafa AL BAKRI - Uncertainty-Sensitive Reasoning over the Web of Data - December 15, 2014 - Université de Grenoble, LIG (Marie-Laure Mugnier)

Jury member - Rim TOUHAMI - Construction et évolution d'une ressource termino-ontologique dédiée à la représentation de relations n-aires, application à l'évaluation du risque microbiologique dans des aliments emballés - Université Montpellier 2, UMR IATE, MIA & AgroParisTech, September 5, 2014 (Marie-Laure Mugnier)

Reviewer - Maxime LEFRANCOIS - "Représentation des connaissances sémantiques lexicales de la Théorie Sens-Texte : Conceptualisation ; représentation ; et opérationnalisation des définitions lexicographiques" - Université de Nice, Inria & I3S, June 24, 2014 (Marie-Laure Mugnier)

Recruitment committee member: Assistant Professor position at Université d'Orsay (Marie-Laure Mugnier) Assistant Professor position at Université Montpellier 2 (Madalina Croitoru, Marie-Laure Mugnier)